Saturday, November 10, 2012


Trends are always popping up from all over the world.  Many of them coming from Europe and Asia.

These days when you see something that many deem as ugly, that's said to be someone else's treasure.

It may be fitting to say these denim kicks are trendy in their own way.  They may not be for everyone, but they are for someone.

They are designed by Danielle K from Haifa, Israel.

Take a look at her line of denim kicks and decide for yourself if you like them or not.

Dani.k Shoes Size 37 (Euro) $125.00
Jeans sandal boots, handmade by Dani.K shoes. Euro size 37.

DaniK Shoes. Size 38 (Euro) $125.00
Jeans sandal boots, handmade. Euro size 38.

These trendy kicks by DaniK are available at

Check them out and more by her now!

The Stunningly Adorkable Team!
*Where The Dorky And The Stunning Meet*