I've been lagging behind which isn't like me to do.
"Ugh! Ugh and a big Ugh!"
"It gets to me at times that my self-awareness falls to the back." Not good!
Working, developing a business and being a mom takes up every part of my day and sometimes I'm just blah-blah. If there's a mom out there that feels what I'm talking about then please let me know. Because sometimes it can be the pits!
Today isn't any exception. Due to the new development of new a business my Sundays aren't those relaxed Sunday's like I am use to. "Although, when you have a little one running around messing, into everything and tugging on your pant leg relaxing goes out the window."
"Oh well. I digress. I must!"
This morning I was scouring the internet and I found some really great deals! These deals aren't at your local walmart, kmart, five below or khols. These deals are at your local "Rose's" or "Rose's Express." They are really good.
I think most of us have kind of put Rose's on the back burner because they aren't around like they use to be. My have things changed!
Okay before y'all come with the jokes I totally get that some of y'all may believe that these stores don't exist anymore but they do! They do so much that the company is opening up "Rose's Express" stores all over! The merchandise isn't always the best but I feel if you need a few outfits for the kids for the summer to play in then this is the store! I can't make a good enough case for this store and their merchandise! Seriously! If you're a parent you know what I am talking about when I say to "buy a few things for the kids to run and play in." Sometimes you have to go the very cheap route because you know that during the summer most kids are going be roughin-it.
"It is what it is. No shame in our shopping savy game."
Rose's has decent deals and here they are:
In closing out the morning, I just want to thank all of you who stop in to read my ramblings. It means a lot that y'all stop by and read what we put out. My team is "stunningly amazing!" I love them! They truly keep me grounded and on my toes. When I feel like I don't want to, they motivate me and I am so thankful.
So...happy shopping, deal hunting and just having a fun this summer!
Stunningly Adorkable Life Team
"Where The Stunning Meets the Adorkable"
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