It's the end of July and guess what time it is again?
It's Back To School!
Yes that's rights "MOMS" it's that time again for school clothes, school supplies and everything else your youngins will need to start the school year off with a bang.
If your child is attending a school that requires uniforms then you're the lucky moms, due to most stores will have the uniforms on sale right now! Stores like Walmart, Target, and the online e-commerce sites will be giving you very good deals. Don't forget to include school supplies while you're at it.
Contrary to what parents believe about buying school supplies right now, now is the time instead of waiting until the last minute. Right now your big box stores will always have school supplies, but also try places like your local grocery chains such as, Kroger, Farm Fresh and others will have school supplies as cheap as any other store.
For the moms who's kids don't wear uniforms, well hey, places like walmart, maybe target, tj max, roses, marshalls, and other discount chains is the place to shop, especially if you have multiple kids. As a mom I know and you know if you're trying to save a buck, you have to shop around. Our advice to start off the school year is to get a good 4-5 outfits. Then change those outfits up. As your kids get into the groove of things they can incorporate last years outfits (if they haven't outgrown them) into the brand new stuff. No need to toss those oldies to the side when you can do mixing and matching. That way you can save some dough.
As parents we know that times are tough and things with providing for your families get tougher and tougher. That's why it's extremely important to start the process right now in the middle of summer to make sure your kids get all that they need to start the school year off right. There's great organizations in your local communities who are taking donations for school supplies from big box retailers to GIVE AWAY! Make sure you start looking for those organizations RIGHT NOW to sign up or do what's required to get you name on the list. School supplies that are given out to families freely go pretty quickly so be sure to contact your city hall, or search the web to see whose doing "BIG SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVES" and contact them. If you get in on it early enough, you can get all of the items that your kids need to start the school year off right.
Lastly, I just want to tell parents to be safe and take the time to enjoy the rest of this beautiful summer with your kids. Yeah; I know you may have to work and your kids are in some camp to keep them busy. However, the best time is spent with "you" the mom and family. Putting in that "TIME" with your kids will be the most memorable for years to come. Trust me I know.
Until next post, be safe and enjoy the rest of your summer:-)
Stunningly Adorkable Team
"Where the Stunning Meets the Adorkable"

Oh totally forgot. For my thrift store MOMS! Check those thrift stores right now. Sometimes they have the best pieces. If your kids are crafty kids and like to create his or her style let them take the wheel and create their own style. I promise you MOMS, this is what the kids are doing anyway:-)